• Uncategorized 04.05.2015

    If you are a pet lover, chances are that you have or had a very special pet or pets in your life. Perhaps you are still thinking about your precious dog or cat and miss having them around. Well, there is some good news for you. We are able to create custom stuffed animals of your pet from a picture!

    You probably have several pictures of your pet, but having a stuffed version of your favorite pooch could perhaps bring you some comfort. Say, for example, you had a little Yorkie and you send us a picture. We don’t just create a Yorkie, but we create a unique little Yorkie that belonged to you and was special to you. The same applies to any other animal.

    When we create stuffed animals we make them from the pictures that you send to us. We don’t make hundreds of the same pets and send you one of the breeds that you have. These stuffed animals a litter of cuddle clonesare unique, just like the real one in your life is or was unique.

    Or perhaps your dog or cat is now full grown, and even though they bring you lots of joy and are wonderful companions, you remember when they were puppies or kittens. Even though they could be messy at times, or tear up your good pair of shoes, you kind of forgot about that and remember how cute they were. Well, now you can have custom stuffed animals of your pet and be reminded of what they looked like forever!

    We get many requests for such pets and the stories to go along with them. There was a little Yorkie named Mikki and his buddy, Ivan the cat. They were the best of friends and played in a brown paper bag until it was in pieces. Their owner sure would appreciate having more than just a picture of them.

    Then there was Peppy, the Weenie dog. He was an unforgettable little guy who saved his owner twice from getting bit by a water moccasin. She will never forget her little hero dog.

    I’m sure that you too have similar pets and stories to tell about them. Now you can preserve their memories in more than pictures.

    beagleSometimes people move into a home or apartment that does not allow pets; even though this is sad, at least you can take your beloved pet with you in the form of a stuffed animal.

    The children grow up and go off to college, or get married and move away. They now have to leave their pet behind, but you can give them a going-away present by sending a picture of their pet and we will create custom stuffed animals of your pet that will remind them of their special pet.

    When people grow older and perhaps move into a nursing home, many times they have to leave their pet with family. But now they can take their beloved pooch with them in the form of a stuffed version.

    So, whatever your situation may be, custom stuffed animals from your pictures are a real way to preserve a good memory of your pet. We are confident that you will love them.

    Learn more at CustomStuffedPets.com

    Posted by Valerie Chambers @ 6:04 pm

